Repair and discovery map (09)
A very hiralious welcome into 2025 cos we were eating raw onion. How weird it was😆? Well, not that we enjoyed eating raw onion but it helped to improve our immune system. That's the topic for today's lesson - Immune System and Familial Energy issue.
We will not know our body condition till we go for in-depth body check-up. This process is like peeling the onion. The more we peeled, the more we knew about our body conditions. Common illness🤢 associated with poor immune system are headache, flu, allergy, etc. Fear not, when there is a problem, there always a solution. Foods like onions🧅, kiwi 🥝 and capsicum are boosting food for our immune system. We also learnt about cancer, a major illness affecting majority of the population, including young and old. A positive mindset that "I want to live" is critical to recovery. 💪
One of the key lesson was the music healing where we had to visualise deep into our cells to do the healing. Diligence and determination is key to a good music session.
In the afternoon, we had our practise for the April event in Taiwan, one of TEI signature grand event for 2025. It is an ancestor blessing event. We sang various mantra, some in vajra kneeling pose. This grand event is open for registration, those who keen can go to TEI Facebook to find out more.
We ended the day with opening of wealth treasury (which has the same pronounciation with shorts on Chinese and we literally wear red 🧧shorts). It was hilarious and full of laughter. 😆
We look forward to the next Singapore lesson. Wishing everyone in the new year to <🧧Heng💰> <🧧Ong💰> <🧧Huat💰>.
我们以很有趣的方式欢迎2025 年,因为我们都吃了生洋葱。 我们是不是很奇怪呢😆?好吧,并不是说我们喜欢吃生洋葱,而是它有助于改善我们的免疫系统。这就是今天课程的主题 《免疫系统和》。
只有进行深入的身体检查,我们才能知道自己的身体状况。这个过程就像剥洋葱一样。我们剥得越多,就越深入了解自己的身体状况。与免疫系统相关的常见疾病🤢有如头痛、流感、过敏等。别担心,有问题总有解决办法。洋葱🧅、奇异果🥝和甜椒🫑等食物可以增强我们的免疫系统。我们还了解了癌症,这是一种常见的疾病之一(影响包括年轻人和老年人)。 “我想活下去”的积极心态对于康复至关重要💪。
我们在结束课程前,都开开心心的《開》—財庫 (我们穿上了总监送的红红发财💰「裤」)。真的是有趣又充满笑声。😆
我们期待下一堂新加坡🇸🇬的课程。祝大家新的一年都 <兴> <旺> <发>。